We ask individuals to please consider joining our COVENANT PARTNER INITIATIVE wherein you pledge a minimum offering of $240.00 that can be given incrementally throughout the calendar year or all at once.

As a Covenant Partner, YOU will help us to…

  1. ensure we have the resources needed to accomplish the ministry work of our association,
  2. eliminate the need for multiple offerings during our ecclesiastical assemblies and
  3. effectively do ministry in the areas of Mission, Evangelism and Education.

Benefits of Being a Covenant Partner

  • Access – to our Constituents & Corporate Partners
  • Armed – with our Florida East Coast digital resources
  • Assistance – in Local Church Growth Development
  • Alliance – with us in Kingdom Building (Evangelism • Missions • Christian Education)

Contributions can also be mailed to:
P. O. Box 740447 Boynton Beach, FL 33474-0447

Corporate Covenant Partnership

Tier 1

$500Corporate Partner
  • Advertisement in electronic souvenir booklet
  • 5 minutes at Covenant Partner Gala on stage
  • 3-minute video played at Annual Session

Tier 3

$1000+Corporate Partner
  • Advertisement in electronic souvenir booklet
  • 5 minutes at Covenant Partner Gala on stage
  • 3-minute video played at Annual Session
  • 5-minute Prime Time live presentation at Annual Session

Tier 2

$750Corporate Partner
  • Advertisement in electronic souvenir booklet
  • 5 minutes at Covenant Partner Gala on stage
  • 3-minute video played at Annual Session
  • 3-minute live presentation at Annual Session

Florida East Coast Covenant Partner Appeal

“Hello, I am a Covenant Partner with the Florida East Coast Baptist Association. I have accepted the challenge to engage 10 new partners by our February 2025 Annual Session. Our mission involves supporting Missions, near and far, Christian Evangelism and Education. Our main support comes by way of partnering with individuals like you.

A Partner is one who makes a $240 year contribution @ $20 per month or a one-time yearly contribution all at once. Will you start today by going to fecbaptist.org/covenant_partner?”