In 1903, a group of devout African American Baptists, realizing that “in unity there is strength,” met and organized what is the Florida East Coast Missionary Baptist Association. The churches were from a wide area extending as far west as Sanford and Deland, running eastward to Daytona Beach and southward to Key West. The Association’s main objectives – missions, evangelism and education.
During the 1904 Annual Session held at Mount Bethel Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, the women marveled at the great work the brothers were doing and requested that they be organized. Their request was granted and the Women’s Division was formed.
Due to the vastness of the district, rather than dissension, which is the consensus of opinion, and the Association divided. The northern section chose the name of the Mount Zion Northeast Coast, and the southern section was called the Florida East Coast Missionary Baptist Association. Whereas Mount Zion Northeast Coast was to include all of Brevard and Volusia Counties; Mount Bethel, Daytona Beach and Saint Paul, Cocoa, retained their membership in the Florida East Coast Baptist Association.
It was easy for me to register online for the One-Day Session.
Overall, the information provided during the meeting was useful to me.
The Moderator's vision and goals were clearly defined.
The Women's Auxiliary President's goals were clearly defined.
The District Congress President's goals were clearly defined.
The Men's/Laymen's Auxiliary President's goals were clearly defined.
The Northern Fellowship President's goals were clearly defined.
The Northern Fellowship Women President's goals were clearly defined.
The Southern Fellowship President's goals were clearly defined.
The Southern Fellowship Women President's goals were clearly defined.
The time-length of the virtual One-Day Session meeting was appropriate.
The ZOOM/webinar format of the One-Day Session met or exceeded my expectations.
I would likely participate in future FECBA virtual webinar meetings and workshops.
I clearly understand the Covenant Partner concept.
I am already or plan to become a Covenant Partner.
Please provide any additional feedback you feel will be helpful.
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